Contact Lens is a responsive Optometrist VirtueMart template designed for a broad range of 在线 商店s, 包括医疗, 金融与计算机. 它拥有一个非常方便的粘到顶部...
销售: 12
支持: 4.2/5
Remote control toys dont only provide hours of fun for kids, 还能培养他们的灵活性和想象力. Entertaining and educational opportunities of these 项目 make them perfect gifts...
销售: 1
支持: 3.1/5
Choose this design and your customers will understand that giving presents can be even more pleasant than getting the ones. Delicate pastel color scheme relaxes the buyers and let them stay in your...
销售: 1
支持: 3.1/5
This vibrant contemporary design with emphasis on visuals will easily appeal to the visitors of 在线 商店. Using it as a solid basis of your pet 商店, you can be sure that its design will melt...
销售: 4
支持: 3.1/5


模板名称 下载 价格
网球商店VirtueMart模板 3 $145
内衣VirtueMart模板 12 $145
隐形眼镜VirtueMart模板 12 $145
SoccerPRO VirtueMart模板 6 $145
分部VirtueMart模板 6 $145

Powerful Cyber Identity Through Cyan VirtueMart模板

For more than two decades, Template怪物 has been helping customers with their e-commerce needs. And one way of optimizing 商店fronts and making them as efficient as possible is by using 青色 VirtueMart templates. They give your 在线 商店 a great look and a wide range of integrations. 事实上, ready-made web designs are far ahead in providing dependable solutions in competitive markets where first impressions count most. 干净的布局让你很容易找到你的路. But the real benefit is how easy these sets are to use while still being full of features. 让我们来看看!

Turquoise VirtueMart主题的好处

  • Create a professional, visually appealing e-商店 effortlessly. These themes provide entrepreneurs with an efficient way of creating beautiful 电子商务网站 不需要编写复杂的代码.
  • 增加你的商店网站的访问者参与度. The designs are optimized for highlighting product pages, 商店ping carts, checkout processes, 等. So, you will give your 商店pers a better experience when they look through your collection and increase their sense of comfort when they pay.
  • Increase 搜索 engine visibility and target a larger audience. 它还包含与SEO兼容的功能, including semantic markups and compliance with HTML5/CSS3 coding standards. 换句话说, 你可以触及更多的目标市场, 让更多的人访问你的网站, 增加销售量.
  • 以最小的成本提供先进的功能. The demos are full of important traits, like layout tools for 响应设计 在各种设备上都能完美运行.


  • Medicine: Pharmacists, re搜索ers, and investors in the healthcare industry.
  • 电子产品: Retailers who sell gadgets, components, and accessories related to electronics 产品.
  • Entertainment: Digital media companies that distribute movies, 电视节目, 或者音乐专辑, 以及这些产品的最终用户.
  • 时尚: Brands seeking an 电子商务 platform to market their 服装 lines or promote multiple fashion 商店s.
  • Sports: Sports-related businesses that want to improve their 在线 presence.
  • 动物: Veterinarians and pet 商店s seeking an elegant e-commerce website.
  • 假期 & gifts: 业务es interested in selling holiday goods or gifts 在线.

总之,这些演示适合每个人. 同样重要的是, 您可以根据不断变化的消费者需求定制您的网站, while retaining its core functionalities as-is – like product filters, 顾客评论, 等.


Such themes enable 电子商务网站 to customize product pages, 处理订单相关信息, 简化付款流程.


  • Your 电子商务 site looks chic and has a clean, modern design.
  • It builds different pre-designed content blocks to form unique styles with easy clicks.
  • 一个移动友好的布局在桌面电脑上运行, 平板电脑, 以及对用户体验没有任何影响的手机.
  • 跨浏览器兼容性允许用户使用Chrome, 火狐, Safari, 和其他浏览器没有问题.
  • HTML5和CSS3动画可以创建有趣的网站.
  • The platform allows businesses to customize text styles or even entire aesthetics so they fit their brand identity. It is indeed easily achieved via a drag-and-drop page builder.
  • 还有一个强大的内置博客系统, 多种付款方式, SEO优化选项, 等. 业务 owners can get their name out there and grow beyond organic web 搜索 traffic.
  • 有了良好的注释, valid code allows for simple changes and customization to meet each person's needs and preferences. 即使是非编程专业人士!
  • 广泛的基本扩展, 比如订阅时事通讯, 顾客评论, 社交媒体整合, 等.
  • Advanced CMS tools have easy-to-use setup options that let you manage all of the site's content from the admin panel.
  • Themes also include various extensions like multi-currency and multilingual support—all included in a single affordable pack!


了解如何禁用发货 VirtueMart主题 有了这个有用的教学视频! 按照我们简单的步骤,看着你的网上商店蓬勃发展.



These are unique web design solutions made to work with the open-source e-commerce platform Virtue Mart. Such a tandem allows you to easily create an attractive 在线 商店 for your web商店.


青色的模板 provide refreshing and professional looks that will make your product stand out among its competitors. 此外, they attract more customers and create a sense of trust and reliability in their 商店ping journey.


Your package will include unlimited access to preloaded content modules such as slideshows, 旋转木马, 和横幅. You should also expect fast data loading times thanks to AJAX technology and customer service options that are available around the clock.


是的,绝对. 所有主题都是seo友好, with custom HTML markup that helps 搜索 engine robots find content quickly and correctly.